Curso de inglés general para Adultos
14 diciembre, 2017
Curso de Preparación para el B2 First
16 mayo, 2020
Preparación para el examen internacional TOEFL


Empieza el 25-05-2020

Horario de clases para grupos individuales
Método 100 % personalizado

Del 25-05-2020 to 25-07-2020

   Grupo A  Grupo B  Grupo C
 Lunes  -  18:00  -
 Martes 15:00 18:00 
 Miércoles  -
Jueves 15:00 18:00  18:00 
Viernes 15:00 
Sábado  - 15:00 
Domingo 15:00  18:00 

Francisco Guamantica

Hablante nativo

Francisco es docente de inglés con más de 15 años de experiencia. Después de terminar la secundaria, estudió inglés como lengua extranjera, y luego se especializó como docente. Tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar en Estados Unidos y Europa en diferentes oficios.

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Qué incluye el curso

  • 80 horas de clase
  • Plataforma virtual
  • Sala de clases virtuales
  • Profesor certificado
  • Material didáctico digital
  • Certificado de aprobación

Acerca del curso

This test preparation course, developed by an expert who has been working as EFL Teachers for more than 15 years, will help English language learners improve their skills.

The TOEFL test is the world’s most trusted and widely accepted English-language assessment. It has helped millions of people achieve their dreams to study, work or live abroad. More than 10,000 institutions of higher education, government agencies and organizations worldwide accept TOEFL scores for making important decisions.

This course will help you understand what you can do to achieve your best TOEFL test score. Instructors will guide you through each section (Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing) and, using archived past test questions, will explain the kinds of questions you can expect. You will receive valuable advice, including how to register for the test, how it is scored and how to prepare for test day.

This course is highly interactive, using videos, sample questions with explanations, short quizzes and collaborative discussion boards. You will also have access to real test materials from past tests. During the weeks covering Speaking and Writing, all course participants can receive scores for their practice-test responses.

In addition, there will be free resources and discounted test prep offers throughout the course. Finally, you will receive valuable insider tips to help you do your best on the TOEFL test so you can apply to the university or job of your dreams.

Who takes the TOEFL test? More than 30 million people from all over the world have taken the TOEFL test to demonstrate their English-language proficiency.

Students planning to study at an institution or university Candidates for scholarships and professional certification English-language learners who want to track their progress Students and workers applying for visas in certain countries

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